Prior information notice



Expire date: 31/08/2024

External Reference: 2024-533121

FTS Reference: 2024-019632

Prior information notice

Prior information notice


This notice is for prior information only

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Winchester City Council
Winchester City Council
Colebrook Street, Winchester
SO23 9LJ
Contact person: Jamie Butt
NUTS code:  UKJ35 -  South Hampshire
Internet address(es):


The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from
the abovementioned address:  

Type of the contracting authority

Regional or local authority

Main activity

General public services

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



Responsive Repairs, Maintenance and Planned Works Programme 2026 - 2036
Reference number:  WCC/PROP/86773

Main CPV code

45453000  -  Overhaul and refurbishment work

Type of contract


Short description

Winchester City Council (the Authority) is considering delivery model options for its repairs, maintenance and planned works contracts beyond the lifespan of the current contracts in July 2026. The contracts support the management and maintenance of Authority owned housing stock across the District, and also includes gas appliance servicing and repairs. The Authority would like to commence early market engagement to help shape the procurement strategy ahead of any formal exercise and understand the market appetite for the proposed scope of work. This is not a call for competition or a beginning of any procurement process and the Authority is not inviting interest to tender at this stage. This is an invite to discuss a possible process only. Details of the early market engagement are below.

Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 150000000.00  GBP

Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no



Additional CPV code(s)

45000000  -  Construction work
50700000  -  Repair and maintenance services of building installations
50710000  -  Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
50711000  -  Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations
50720000  -  Repair and maintenance services of central heating
71000000  -  Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
50000000  -  Repair and maintenance services

Place of performance

NUTS code:  UKJ35 -  South Hampshire
Main site or place of performance:  
The Administrative District of Winchester City Council

Description of the procurement

This is a prior information notice only and is not a call for competition. The purpose of this notice is to advise of a potential future opportunity for open dialogue on a range of related themes outside of any procurement process, which at this stage has not begun.
Winchester City Council (the Authority) is considering delivery model options for its two main term maintenance, repairs and servicing contracts beyond the lifespan of the current contracts ending in July 2026. The new contract(s) is expected to commence in 2026 following any mobilisation period required ahead of the new contract(s) starting.
The contracts were commissioned separately and support the repair and maintenance of Authority owned housing stock across the District and have been in place between four and fifteen years.
Both contracts are delivered under a JCT Measured Term Contract and have a total combined annual value circa £15,000,000 (the £150,000,000 stated in the value represents a value ten year period but this is for illustrative purpose only and details subject to change).
The scope of services collectively includes an integrated asset management services comprising housing repairs and maintenance, void refurbishments, a degree of health and safety and statutory compliance services, cyclical decorations and maintenance, various estate improvement works and aspects of the capital programme. Contracted separately is the delivery of gas servicing and repairs to the Authority's domestic gas and other heating appliances. Additionally this contract includes the capital programme for the installation of new gas boilers and heating appliances.
The Authority would like to commence early market engagement in July to invite views from the market to help shape the procurement strategy ahead of any formal exercise. This engagement will offer interested organisations the opportunity to hear more about the Authority’s vision and wider strategic priorities.
The Authority is offering a virtual pre-market engagement event on or around 25 July at 10:00am. To register and for more information on the event please follow this link:
You are advised to register for the event in advance to ensure you are able to access the event itself as it will not be recorded.
The Authority also invites you to submit your views on any potential opportunity by completing and submitting a questionnaire about the process. This can either be completed before or shortly after the event (by the end of August 2024 at the latest). You will need to register with the Authority's tender portal (see Additional Information) and locate the following project "88151 - HRA Pre-market Engagement Questionnaire"
The Authority reserves the right to conduct additional conversations with respondents as part of this market engagement exercise. If you have any questions about the above, please use the messaging facility via the portal to ensure prompt responses.
Questions and answers from the event that are relevant to any future procurement will be made available in any resultant exercise. Registration for this event and completion of a questionnaire does not constitute expression of interest in any potential future tender, instructions for such will be given separately if and when this occurs. The Authority reserves the right not to run any competitions for the works or services referred to in this notice.

Additional information

To participate in the early market engagement event, please register (at least an hour before) on the link below:
To complete the questionnaire, register in the portal and search for project 88151:

Estimated date of publication of contract notice:


Section IV: Procedure




Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes

Administrative information

Section VI: Complementary information